JUDICIARY Latest Features

SUGAR-TAF, ACD Draft Case Management Rules
Hon. Justice Lawrence Gidudu

Kampala. Judicial officers attached to the Anti-Corruption Division (ACD) of the High Court are taking part in a three-day meet on the development of case management rules for the Division.

The meeting which was organised by the Strengthening Uganda's Anti-corruption Advisory Response Technical Facility (SUGAR-TAF) is taking place at the Laico Lake Victoria Hotel, Entebbe. 

Hon. Justice Lawrence Gidudu, the head of ACD,while flagging off the meeting said once the Case Management Rules will address issues in regard to Disclosure, Plea Bargaining and Admissibility of documents among others, which will reduce on case backlog and increase on case disposal rate.

The draft rules will be submitted to the Judiciary Rules Committee for validation.

Participants were drawn from different agencies including the Inspectorate  of Government, Office of the Directorate of Public Prosecutions, Uganda Revenue  Authority, Uganda Law Society and  the Justice  Law and Order Sector.

Posted 9th, March 2018
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